SYSTEM UTILITIES DISK FOR 128K APPLE //e This disk is represents a futher enhancement of a UTILITIES disk which was developed by E.L. Oshlo of the HAAUG (Houston Area Apple Users Group). It was originally based on the "SYSTEM UTILITIES DISK" for the Apple //c. It requires a 128k Apple //e (ie. one that has an extended 80-column card). It will not operate properly on a 64k Apple //e, as it uses the extra memory for its operations. It will operate in both the older Apple //e, as well as the newer enhanced //e. It will not operate properly in an Apple ][ Plus. This disk was designed to manipulate files or entire disks which are in any of three formats- DOS 3.3, ProDOS and Apple Pascal. Each of the operations are achieved by simple responses at the keyboard. I tried (unsuccessfully) to get it to work with disk formatted in CP/M, but I failed miserably. Upon booting the disk, you are presented with a menu selection of 9 items: 1. COPY FILES 2. DELETE FILES 3. RENAME FILES 4. LOCK/UNLOCK FILES 5. DUPLICATE A DISK 6. FORMAT A DISK 7. IDENTIFY AND CATALOG A DISK 8. ADVANCED OPERATIONS 9. EXIT SYSTEM UTILITIES Let's look at each one of these individually: 1. COPY FILES This function allows individual files to be moved between disks. The disks can be in any of three formats: DOS 3.3, ProDOS or Pascal. The source and target disks can be of the same format, or of different formats. To use this function, simply indicate which is your source disk (by selecting Drive 1, Drive 2 or a ProDOS pathname), and which is your destination (or target) disk. Then choose either SOME or ALL. If you choose SOME, the program will allow you to choose which ones you want. Move down the list with the up- or down-arrows. Select the files to be copied with the -> Right Arrow (or deselect a file with the <- Left Arrow). Then hit to get the process in motion. There are some limits to the file types that can be transferred. While any file type can be moved from one disk of that type to another of that type (ie. DOS 3.3 to DOS 3.3, ProDOS to ProDOS, or Pascal to Pascal), not all file types can be moved from one format to another. Specifically: DOS 3.3 and ProDOS: BASIC, Binary and Text files can be moved. DOS 3.3 and Pascal: Text files can be moved. ProDOS and Pascal: Text files can be moved. 2. DELETE FILES After choosing which drive or pathname (for ProDOS) to use, you then choose whether you want to delete just SOME or ALL the files on the disk. If you choose SOME, you can select (and deselect) the files in the same way as you did for COPY files (above). This works with DOS 3.3, ProDOS and Pascal files. 3. RENAME FILES After choosing which drive or pathname (for ProDOS) to se, you then choose whether you want to rename just SOME or ALL the files on the disk. If you choose SOME, you can select (and deselect) the files in the same way as you did for COPY files (above). You are then given the name to be changed, and you type in the new name. The program will limit you to the maximum number of characters allowed per name. This function works for DOS 3.3, ProDOS and Pascal. 4. LOCK/UNLOCK FILES After choosing which drive (or pathname for ProDOS) you want, you are asked if you want to LOCK/UNLOCK just SOME or ALL the files on the disk. You are given the standard selection of files to be chosen with the arrow keys, and you indicate whether you want to LOCK or to UNLOCK these files. This function works only with DOS 3.3 and ProDOS. 5. DUPLICATE A DISK This function allows you to duplicate an entire disk. It asks for the source and destination drives, and then formats (or initializes) and copies the entire disk. This function works for DOS 3.3, ProDOS and Pascal. Remember that it destroys the destination (target) disk, so watch what you are doing when you use this function. 6. FORMAT A DISK This function allows you to format (or initialize) a disk. It asks for the drive to be used, and asks for what type of format (ie. DOS 3.3, ProDOS or Pascal). If you don't know, it will ask you to stick in a disk of the type you want created, and it will determine which format you want. 7. IDENTIFY AND CATALOG A DISK This function allows you to see the contents of a disk in the DOS 3.3, ProDOS or Pascal formats. Just select the drive number or the ProDOS pathname, and then tell the computer if you want the output sent to your monitor DISPLAY or to a PRINTER. Note that it assumes the printer interface is in slot #1, and that the printer is turned on, if you choose that format. This print function was written with the Apple Super Serial Card in mind, but it will work with a variety of printers and printer interfaces. 8. ADVANCED OPERATIONS This menu selection gives you 4 different choices. They are: 1. SET PREFIX which sets the default prefix to be used for ProDOS functions. 2. CREATE A SUBDIRECTORY for doing just that in ProDOS. 3. CHANGE A DISK'S FORMAT is like copying an entire disk from DOS 3.3 to ProDOS (or vice versa). Only those file types which are copyable (ie. BASIC, Binary or Text) will be copied by this function. 4. VERIFY A DISK IS READABLE does just that, making sure there aren't any unformatted tracks or bad sectors on a disk. 9. EXIT SYSTEM UTILITIES This menu item allows you to leave the disk. You enter the name of the ProDOS pathname which you want to use, and the SYSTEM name (usually it is 'BASIC.SYSTEM'). Note that I tried to allow you to leave by just ending the program. However, I couldn't get it to work properly. If you can debug this line below, you can use it in place of line #4050 in the Applesoft program called 'SU'. 4050 TEXT : HOME : PRINT CHR$ (21);: POKE GD,255: CALL JM:AD = 2048:HI = INT ((AD + 1) / 256):LO = (AD + 1) - (HI * 256): POKE AD,0: POKE 103,LO: POKE 104,HI: HIMEM: 38400: & EXIT: NEW If you make any improvements to this disk, I would love to receive a copy of it...